Foreløpige resultater for SAC 2015 ute
Foreløpige resultater for SAC 2015 er ute. Alle oppfordres til å ta kontakt skulle dere oppdage feil i resultatene.
Foreløpige resultater for SAC 2015 er ute. Alle oppfordres til å ta kontakt skulle dere oppdage feil i resultatene.
YOTA Contest 2024 1000Z-2159Z, Jul 20, 2024 Logs due: 2159Z, Jul 25 YOTA Contest Status: Active Geographic Focus: Worldwide Participation: Worldwide Mode: CW, SSB Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m Classes: Single Op All Band Open Single Op All Band YOTA (25 and younger) Single Op All Band YOTA 6 Hours Single Op 3-Band…
Endelig er LA Contest Club Nyhetsbrevet i gang igjen. Du melder deg på på forsiden av Nyhetsbrevet sendes ut 3-5 ganger i året. Altså ingen spam-greie! Får du eposter oftere enn det fra oss så si fra så vi kan sjekke hva som foregår.
We are now pleased to announce the final results of the Scandinavian Activity Contest 2014, after a number of adjustments to the preliminary results were made during the five-day review period. We’d like to thank you for your observations, and will continue to work on improving the log checking process and the clarity of the…
Planning Your Contest Station by Craig Thompson K9CT
Open article to see the webinar
SAC website down! Dear all, The Scandinavian Activity Contest website is still down due to a highly unlikely but now fatal RAID hard disk crash. Our Internet Service Provider (ISP) has given several optimistic repair-time estimates, but they have repeatedly failed and are still working on the problem as of Wednesday afternoon. *** To…